In this post i would like to discuss on the Ansible tool, how to install configure and use cases of the tool.
Ansible introduction
- Ansible is an open source configuration and management tool and Ansible was developed by Michael DeHann
- RedHat was acquired Ansible in 2015.
- All the latest RedHat and Centos OS comes with a pre-installed Ansible package,Ansible is built on python language.
- Ansible is agentless communication mechanism. It has a control server(where ansible is running) which is used to establish communication with the remote (unix & linux) systems that have SSH installed and running.
- Control server is compatible to run only on the linux systems.
- We should have python 3.5 or greater or Python 2.6 or greater on both the server and the client for ansible to work.
- Ansible can be installed on a cloud server to manage other cloud servers from a central location, or it can also be configured to use on a personal system to manage cloud or on-premises systems.
- Ansible works by configuring client machines from an control-server with Ansible components installed and configured
- Ansible is declarative programming type , that means that we have to just tell what to do without define step by step.
- Ansible can interact with clients through either command line tools or through its configuration scripts called Playbooks.
- Ansible will run on module mechanism , there are some modules are available.
Ansible installation & Configurations
in my case i'm using Centos7 on GCP, and created the 3 VM's, 1 vm is for control-server,2 vm's for nodes.
please follow the below steps on control server
login to the control-server( on which ansible installed) with root /sudo user and execute the commands
1. Latest packages and security patches on the system by using below command
sudo yum -y update
2. Install EPEL(Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) Repository , We need to install EPEL repository in to the system for open source software packages which are not available in default YUM repository.
sudo yum -y install epel-release
3. To install the latest version of Ansible
sudo yum -y install ansible
4. check the ansible version
ansible --version
After installing ansible we have to check the configuration part that are importance on the ansible system
by default Ansible path will be : /etc/ansible , under this directory structure will be like below:
- ansible.cfg is the config file for ansible,and under this file we will have so default values that run the ansible command
- hosts is the key file for the ansible , ansible will read this file to communicate to the remote servers/group of the servers, we can give ip's or host names of the remote servers, those can be declare as a group as well will discuss deep while adding the hosts entries.
lets start modifying the ansible.cfg & hosts for our demo.
just enable the inventory , sudo_user from ansible.cfg file by Vi editor and save
inventory -- is the file which has ansible config paths
sudo_user -- is the user type that run ansible
in my case inventory path will be my custom path : /opt/ansible/hosts
inventory = /opt/ansible/hosts
sudo_user = root
now, copy the hosts file from /etc/ansible to /opt/ansible
and add the node Ip's which we have created on GCP on hosts file and save the file.we can give host names or Ip's of remote servers as a group or as a un-group. Group can be define under square brackets "[]"
we can add 100's of remote servers can add in the hosts file by grouping the different group names like [webservers],[appservers],[dbservers]
here i'm using only 2 vm nodes as ungrouping.
now we can try to connect to the nodes servers from control-sever by ssh, we will get the error because we have not created the users and copy the ssh keys to the nodes.
as i told above, ansible will communicate over ssh, for that we have to follow the below steps.
on control-server:
create the user with ansible:
useradd ansible
passwod ansible
provide the new password for the ansible user.
then, execute visudo and add the line under the tag and save
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
above steps has to be performed on node-01 & node-02.
go to the .ssh path : /home/ansible/.ssh
then execute the command to copy the ssh keys to node-01 & node-02
sudo ssh-copy-id -i ansible@node-01
for node-01:
now try to login from control-server to node-01 by ssh
ssh node-01
for Node-02 :
now we have completed the installation and configuration on Ansible.
try to apply some adhoc command to test the connectivity from control-server to nodes 01&02.
ansible -m ping all
will discuss other topics in next posts .. keep learning!!
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