In this post we are going to discuss about the Setup Kubernetes cluster with KOPS on GCP . we have already discussed about what is Kops and how the Kops works in Cloud Computing.
in order to setup Kubernetes cluster by using KOPS on GCP,we needed below configuration setup
Domain Name:We have seen how to get the Domain name and how we integrated this with AWS.Same way here we have to Integrate with GCP name servers on godaddy account.
GCP Account & google-cloud-sdk setup:
Create a GCP account and register with project , then we can play around the GCP services. in this blog we are going to use the below services to create cluster
Compute Service : To create VM and and install all binaries related to Kubernetes Cluster.
DNS Service : To Create zone and use for DNS.
IAM & Admin : To create iam service-accounts 'kops-admin' and permissions.
Storage : To Create a storage bucket to store the configuration of Kubernetes cluster
Before going to Compute Service we have to setup the Google SDK to connect GCP resources/Services in your Desktop/Laptop on windows. this is the best way to communicate to our GCP.
google-cloud-sdk setup :
google-cloud-sdk is the CLI which use to connect/update/create/delete on your GCP my case i have setup the gc-SDK in Windows server. for setup here we go,
Download the Cloud SDK installer using link: and install the SDK.
Open your Windows Power-shell and execute the below command.
then it will prompt you a setup wizard and follow the install process steps. and it will take some time.
as soon as it installed configure with our GCP account as below..
double click on Google Cloud SDK Shell from your desktop short cut and it will open the prompt and initialise GCP platform project by command gcloud init and follow the steps.
Compute Service
create VM and and install all binaries related to Kubernetes Cluster:
Go to Compute Engine service and select VM instances click on Create an instance.
please provide the below details and click on Create.
Name: k8s-mgnt-server
Region & Zone : select your own regions & zone , i took : us-cental1 & us-cental1-a
Machine configuration :
Machine family : General-purpose
Series : N1
Machine type: n1-standard-1 (1 vCPU, 3.75 GB memory)
Confidential VM service:
Boot disk : CentOS 7 ( in my case i have selected the disk as CentOS 7)
Identity and API access :
Access scopes : Allow full access to all Cloud APIs
Firewall : click the both the check boxes Allow HTTP traffic & Allow HTTPS traffic
After creating of VM instance , now connect to the instance, in GCP we do have various ways to connect to the instance, as i said best way is gcloud-sdk. now im going to connect the VM by gcloud-sdk from my windows cmd, for that go to SSH tab and select the View gcloud command
and we will get the prompt like below,
copy the complete command and paste into Windows CMD. if you are running this for first time it will tells you as below.
So again execute the same command by opening CMD with run as Administrator. then out put as below and it will install all the metadata of account.
Try to execute the Command on Windows CMD, and below is the output
now we have connected the GCP VM which we have created without asking any credentials and pem/ppk files.
Install binaries related to Kubernetes Cluster:
chmod 700 kops-linux-amd64
mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops
Verify the kops version
curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
chmod 700 kubectl
mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
verify the kubectl version --short --client
SSH- Key generation
DNS Service
- Open the Network Services Dashboard at
- Select the Cloud DNS service and click on Create zone and create with below details
as soon as crate the Zone we will get the record sets. those are the name servers which we are going to add in godaddy account.and test with command dig NS
Create service account 'kops-admin' and permissions:
just execute the below commands in the VM instance as below..
gcloud iam service-accounts create kops-admin
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding project-project-id --member "" --role "roles/owner"
Create key (josn file) for 'kops-admin' service account and set 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS' variable. use below command for the same.
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create service-account.json --iam-account
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="$HOME/service-account.json"
Create a storage bucket to store the configuration of Kubernetes cluster.just execute the below command
gsutil mb -l us-east1 gs://kops-sra1k8s-state-store-2020
Create Kubernetes cluster:
Validate kops cluster
kops validate cluster --state=gs://kops-sra1k8s-state-store-2020
Simple Pod creation
Delete pod
Delete cluster
kops delete cluster --state=gs://kops-sra1k8s-state-store-2020 --yes
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